Sunday, February 17, 2013

MEHENDI CEREMONY this is the second ceremony which takes place the day before the wedding at a ladies-only afternoon tea. Intricate(complicated) patterns drawn with mehendi (henna) are applied to your hands and feet and symbolize the deepening of bonds with your future husband. Often this ceremony will merge with Sagri – also known as the “acquaintance party”, where the groom’s female relations visit bearing gifts and flowers with which to adorn you. At some point on the day before your wedding, your priest will perform the Nav-Graha Puja in both the groom and bride’s homes, in which he will say prayers to the Gods of the “nine planets”, thus bestowing the couple with their blessings. Next he will perform the Ghari Puja – a series of prayers combined with offerings of wheat, coconut, betel nuts, rice and spices for prosperity. Both mothers will don their wedding clothes and walk to the doorways of their respective homes with earthenware pots containing water on their heads – the water will be cut with a knife to ward off evil spirits, and relatives and friends will then grace the parents with flowers and money. Next, it’s time for you and your fiancee to put on old clothes which will be torn of with glee by family members, symbolizing the end of your single lives!
The fun is just getting started as you begin the next ceremony called Sangeet. This is a joyous nighttime party held the evening before the wedding and is an opportunity to enjoy the spirit of the moment with music, dancing and food. Just make sure you get some sleep – you have a big day tomorrow! 

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